This was a major undertaking. Thank heavens my husband is not as afraid of heights as I am or the quilt would still be in a tote bag on my sewing room floor.
The designated spot for the quilt was on the wall over the open staircase that goes to our finished basement. This is a focal wall that's visible from both the living room and kitchen, and previously was a huge blank, beige space.
Road to Freedom measures about 60" x 60". So the bottom of the quilt hangs above the half wall railing, my husband had to hang it very nearly at the ceiling. We have 9 foot ceilings; add in the height of the stairs and he was about 15 feet or more above the stairs.

We have a giant extension ladder we used to do this job. The feet are adjustable so they can be on uneven ground and still be level. But...the feet are wider than two steps, so what did we do? We put a cinder block with a board on top on another step to get the right height and width. Did I mention that my husband was the one on the ladder? I was the one worrying and holding on to the ladder (like I would have been able to keep him from falling!).
Maggie supervised the whole project.

Wow, that was a death defying feat to hang that quilt! We recently hung a large painting very high up on a wall, and it was a hazardous undertaking for sure. Your quilt looks gorgeous, and now you will never want to take it down!