Here's Mercerie all quilted, bound, and labeled! Yay!
It's not heavily quilted, but I think it's enough. It was all done with a walking foot - nothing but straight lines.

I used tan colored thread so it would show up but not be too noticeable.

It shows up better on the white backing. I quilted in the ditch around the outside and inside, then through the center of the "chains". Then I quilted four-point stars in each white square and reappeared half or a quarter of the stars along the sides and in the corners.

On the back the design kind of looks like faceted jewels. Cool!
I'm very happy with the way this turned out.
Other than cutting all the fabric out, I haven't even started on Clover, the October Schnibble. I'd better get busy if I want to finish that one on time!
Love your "Schnibble"; sometimes less quilting is better, good job :)